Archive for the ‘The Family’ Category

Field Productions: Filip Christensen Profile

July 5, 2012

[This series of profiles on The Business of Fun will be followed by short video interviews. The goal is to allow you to get advice directly from those already living their dream. The Business of Fun will ask five standard questions to each interviewee. We’ll also ask each of them three of the best questions submitted by fans. “Like” us on Facebook and submit your questions for Filip today.]

We chose Filip Christensen for The Business of Fun’s first in-depth profile because his natural progression from hobby to passion to successful career is the personification of our core message. Through single-minded dedication to his craft, he has built a successful production company from the ground up. Field Productions now represents Norway in the global filmmaking scene. Christensen spends his winters on the road filming from helicopters in the world’s most beautiful and unique locations with some of the world’s best skiers. His movies have won stacks of awards. His Web and TV series reach millions of viewers. And he and his crew just made the step into a plush production space in downtown Oslo.


The Business of Fun Family

August 31, 2011

The Business of Fun family is an ever-growing network of the most successful people working in action sports, music, and art today. Every person in the family has their own stories to share and wisdom to impart and are excited about the opportunity to help people find their paths.

We’ve brought world class profession athletes, magazine editors and photo editors, marketing managers, company owners, product engineers and designers, agency account managers, writers, photographers, cinematographers, freelancers, company devotees, graphic designers, etc. etc… some of the biggest names and the biggest brands in action sports, art, and entertainment to candidly share experiences and advice.